Friday, September 7, 2018

Learning Challenge: Getting Better About Binge-Watching

Article: Neighmond, Patty. National Public Radio. Get Off the Couch Baby Boomers, Or You May Not Be Able To Later. Link.

Confirmed: I knew going in to this article that, the more mobile middle-aged people are, the more healthy they tend to be. I also knew that binge-watching shows can have detrimental effects on your mental and physical health.

New: I am surprised that the percentage of disability caused by five or more hours of sitting remained unchanged regardless of other physical activity. Even if these adults hit the gym, prolonged periods of sitting had a measurable and inarguable negative effect on their mobility.

Curious: I'm curious as to how this has been hitting my dad health-wise, who (after his recent retirement) has definitely succumbed to the bad habit of streaming shows for hours on end. (It's been driving Mom nuts). I plan on sending him the link to this article so he can face knowledge of some of the consequences of his binge-watching actions.

Do: The article recommended getting up at least every thirty minutes spent staring at a screen. I know this is aimed mostly towards older people, but I'm going to try to put this advice into effect so I can minimize the negative impact of leading an electronics-focused student life. I also am going to refrain from watching more than four episodes of anything in a row (as more of a personal resolution than anything else). This will hopefully help me both health- and productivity-wise!

Image Info: The article's featured graphic, which contrasts a sedentary aged man with mobility-challenged older men and women. Source:

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