Sunday, September 30, 2018

Famous Last Words, Week 6: Let's Go Beat Those Baylor Bears!

I made it through my first midterm- hooray! It was a busy week as we prepared another halftime show to round out our five-game September. This game's show featured the famous Boston Brass on our Earth Wind, & Fire medley. Though I love September, I can definitely go a while without listening to it again! I tried to utilize the Time Management skills I went over at the beginning of the semester in this class, especially the keeping up with things bit-by-bit every day ones and the prioritization tips as well. Saturday was Parent's Day, and though mine were unable to attend, I had a great time selling t-shirts and meeting the parental units of my peers- it's super interesting to see the resemblances, especially after taking Genetics last semester. Course-wise, I just checked my progress against the MLLL grade calculator table, and saw that I need to break 400 points to get an A in the class. This inspired me to do more extra credit as I go along, because any time I save at the end of the semester in this class can go towards studying for PChem, my current academic kryptonite. I'm feeling a little stuck story-wise in this class, especially after my past Sita story. This is because I felt so great about that one that I'm having trouble topping it. Hopefully reading more of the Mahabharata this week can help clear up my writer's block! This week'll be another crazy one, with four midterms in the first two days and then many saxeT week preparations and orientations within the band. It's going to be ridiculously fun (in spite of the ridiculously hot forecast for our uniformed Dallas excursion), but no matter how the game goes (and regardless of whether or not UT is really "back" (spoiler alert: they aren't :)) we'll have a chance to hang at the Texas State Fair with a group of really great friends, and hopefully the freshmen feel extra glad about the section and their decision to do band this year. Though there are many assignments, I hope I can tap into that revitalizing part of this week as we get into the drudgery of the fall.
Image Info: Baylor University Logo.
Source: Wikipedia. Link.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brenna,

    This is the first time that I have read a famous last words assignment. This actually inspired me to do one of my own. I feel your pain with the tough chemistry classes. Although I have not taken P chem, I took biochem and it was definitely a challenge. Have fun at the Texas game and I hope we win!

