Sunday, September 9, 2018

Tech Tip: Canvas Dashboard

I am SO GRATEFUL for this Tech Tip because I've had old classes stuck on my dashboard for the past two years and my past efforts to get rid of them have been unsuccessful...until today! Clicking on Courses, scrolling down to All Courses, and then choosing which classes show up by clicking the star icon on the left was embarrassingly easy and fantastically fast. In addition, I'm glad I learned how to use the sideways ellipsis in the upper right of the course cards to enable/disable color preferences- the new look on my dash is so much better than the ochre/hot pink/dismal grey it was rocking until today. The ability to change course nicknames was also super nice, as three of my courses start with the prefix CHEM and it can be difficult in a pinch to pick the one I'm going for. This was a stellar tip and my dashboard has benefitted immensely from it, both aesthetically and organizationally.
Image Info: The feeling of finally being able to do some spring-Canvas-cleaning!
Source: Getty Images. Link

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