Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Reading Notes: PDE Mahabharata Part C

41. Life in the Forest: A magical copper pot! I wonder about the origins of the pot- where was it made, by whom, with what? Is there a magic copper pot factory in the heavens? Also the montage feeling is strong in this chapter- the visiting shrines, doing devotions, encountering sunshine, shade, flowers, and flash-flooding rains. I love it.
42. Krishna's Visit: "exquisite coppery eyes" beautiful. "Sorry I wasn't there, I was waging a war against demons" as excuses go, definitely not the worst. MORAL: anger is sinful, forgiveness is holiness. "Who can pierce the cloud which covers the doings of the gods" nice imagery. "Virtue is greater than life and prosperity in this world; it is the way to celestial bliss." Then they were all silent and they pondered. Me too. I love how visceral this scene is with so little description.
43. Arjuna and Shiva: Arjuna is going off on his own to find formidable weapons reminds me of Thor and Rocket's side adventure in Infinity War. Able to live on air alone?! Arjuna teach me how!! mind, eyes, words, bow. all equally powerful.
44. Arjuna and Indra: I love that the curse is to be regarded as a bad dancer for a year. Also, that he takes a considerable amount of time to learn how to use the formidable weaponry. I wonder what Patala looks like? the bottom of the Marianas Trench perhaps. Mighty tortoises and demon fish sound pretty intimidating. Demons "smote" their drums. So they're musical demons. Do they have an evil demon marching band? The 10,000 multicolored horses sound like a sight to behold.
45. The Himalayas: Thank Goodness Yudhishthira's getting some skill with dice. His inadequacy in terms of reciprocal cheating has cost the family a lot. Again, a beautifully-described location: "dazzling streamers, beauteous gardens". Moral: good things come to those who wait. I want a better reunion scene! At least five hugs! He was gone five years, goodness! Also a moral: knowledge is power.
46. Bhima and Hanuman: I LOVE A GOOD CROSSOVER OMG. More hugs, I love it! Also this chapter continues to reinforce the caste system for future generations.
47. Duryodhana and the Gandharvas: dang, Duryodhana's a two-faced drama queen. This was all unfortunate- I would hate to be the messenger...I wonder how stressful that must have been.
48. Karna and Indra square deal. Moral: everything has a cost. Also I as a reader Felt it when he had to cut off his physical armor/earrings. Oof.
49. Jayadratha and Draupadi: Draupadi models here that there are strengths beyond the physical- her network and manipulatory skills sufficiently avenge her honor.
50. Riddles at the Lake: Said Yudhishthira, "Man's unconquered enemy is anger, and his disease is covetousness; he who seeketh after the good of all is holy; he who is selfishly cold is unholy."

The Voice said, "Who are worthy of eternal torment?"

Said Yudhishthira, "He who sayeth unto the brahmin whom he hath asked to his house, I have naught to give; he who declareth the Vedas to be false; he who is rich and yet giveth naught to the poor.
51. The Court of King Virata: I saw the name Durga and immediately thought of the character in the Eragon books haha. "tigers and lions and bears' Oh my!
52. Bhima and Kichaka: This was dark.
53. The Cattle Raid: 
54. Preparations for War: "bright and numerous as the stars were the gems that glittered on the robes of the mighty warriors." "heretofore"
55. Krishna and His Army: I love that they have such a strong relationship.
56. Krishna's Mission to the Kauravas: He tried. I appreciate that he went about trying his darndest to be peaceful instead of immediately starting a war. Krishna as a living flame must be a beautiful sight to behold. I want to find some artwork of this moment.
57. Krishna and Karna: Foreshadowing the great war. 
58. The Armies at Kurukshetra
59. Bhagavad-Gita: It is saddening that this was the fate of the two brothers: destruction.
60. The Battle Begins: All of the senses are covered here (except perhaps taste): drums sounded, dawn was darkened, jackals howled, vultures screamed hungrily, the earth shook, thunder was heard, ...loud noise." Set the stage very effectively.

Image Info: Draupadi, from Grant Morison's Reimagined Visual Mahabharata Anthology, 18 Days.
Source: Scoop Link.
Bibliography: PDE Mahabarata. Source: Link.

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