Sunday, October 14, 2018

Famous Last Words: Football Free for the First Time All Fall

                After the insanity of last week, having Monday rehearsal off and significantly fewer midterms was blissful. I took the time to complete the assignments for the week in advance, and then to go ahead in the semester and do some jataka readings, and to set up the reading posts for the next three weeks with a picture, link, and brief bibliography. I’ve been eyeing my point total, and only need 102 more to finish the class with an A. Though I know that being able to reallocate the time dedicated to this course to my other, more sciencey classes, I’ve realized that I’ll miss these bi-weekly adventures into the world of the Indian Epics, and decided to not finish the class before I finish my final Project website, which is coming along nicely.  As much as I love reading the Jatakas, I have yet to find some that would fit in the Epic Women theme for the Portfolio- I think I'll stick to the Mahabharata for my next installment! I'm really happy with how my Portfolio is coming along, and look forward to reading more as the class continues into Week 9.
                Though I had no true tests this week, my other classes were still busy, and I had to make time to see my advisor before my enrollment window opens on Monday. (Unfortunately, he wasn’t having the best time health-wise, so advising over e-mail is the way it’ll be for now). My non-academic goals for the week were to catch up on sleep and to not get sick. Though only the latter happened, I thankfully had time this weekend to get in some rest- OU didn’t have a football game, so there were no early-morning rehearsals to make it to, just an evening volleyball pep gig. Side note: I love watching volleyball- it's so much faster than football! Also our team put up a heck of a game against Texas, and though we tragically lost in the 5th, it was a game well played on both sides.
                Academically, things immediately start to heat back up this week, as I have a Spanish presentation worth 20% of my grade and big study-time for a major PChem midterm next Monday. I’ll be doing my best to complete assignments earlier, as that seems to be the best way to alleviate stress in advance. A happy note is that I finally got a studying playlist put together on Spotify, and the miraculously inexpensive student account is commercial free, which I’m enjoying almost as much as this delightfully chilly fall weather.
Image Info: McCasland Field House, where the OU Volleyball games occur. The band sits under the scoreboard on the upper-right. Source: Link.

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