Sunday, October 7, 2018

Week 8 Reading and Writing

Part One: Blog and Website Check-Up
    I made a theme/background change to my blog that I'd been considering for a long time- the white text on a brown background wasn't as refreshing as I had hoped, and I was happy to change it to a lighter tan background and more traditional black type, framed in cute bird silhouettes. I'm happy with how my Project website is progressing and am satisfied with the title I chose for it.
Part Two: Reading and Stories
    I'm pretty proud of my Story work this semester thus far- I didn't know I had the creativity in me to write them, and looking back I'm glad to have kept up with them and have enjoyed getting to reimagine certain aspects of the epics we cover for the Reading.
    My Reading Notes, on the other hand, are maybe too long. I've been including notes on every chapter because the scope and detail of the stories is otherwise easy to forget longterm, but the notes haven't been as helpful when it comes to writing my Story posts, so I think I'll do my best to cut down on the play-by-play and focus on a specific scene which strikes my fancy instead.
Part Three: Blog Post
   My favorite reading thus far has been the Sita Sings the Blues week, and my favorite images have been from an online gallery of reimagined fantasy/techno Mahabharata scenes. The color, depth, and scope are breathtakingly beautiful, and expressed the tone of the final fight scenes. I loved the contemporary fantasy flair as well, and highly recommend checking out the gallery of the rest of Morison's work (see link in Image Info).
Image Info: Arjun Invokes War-Goddess, from Grant Morison's Reimagined Visual Mahabharata Anthology, 18 Days.
Source: Scoop Link.

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