Sunday, October 7, 2018

Growth Mindset: Sparking Creativity

"You felt entitled to look at things differently and ask questions. That was a sign of your creativity."

Indicators of a creative rut include a recurring pattern to workdays, a compulsion to agree with everyone in order to get along, seeing obstacles in front of new ideas/methodologies, an unwillingness to try something that hasn't worked in the past, and a feeling of inadequacy due to the uncaring nature of others.
Ways to go about fixing a rut include thinking new, searching for intersections, using obstacles to a creative advantage, and sharing new observations. Volunteering is a biggie- engaging in surroundings and making an effort to connect with your workplace can make for a more positive mental environment. The difference between an employee and a professional is working the job or letting the job work you. Maintaining a sense of giving something rather than having something taken is the main theme of the article. This article was an eyeopener for me, as this semester I've encountered and modeled myself many of the hallmarks of lost creativity. Hopefully I can utilize some of these helpful pointers to restore creativity in the future!

Image Info: The article's accompanying image. It features multiple colors, an orchid, and a dragonfruit, among other elements. Link.

     Claman, Priscilla. How to Spark Creativity When You're in a Rut. Harvard Business Review. 19 April, 2017.

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