Monday, October 8, 2018

Week 8 Comments and Feedback

1. Feedback in: Far and away the best feedback I'm receiving is on my Project's Comment Wall. The lengthier comments and feedback strategies/structures have really allowed great praise and recommendations to be given, and I've definitely taken many notes into account when revising/rewriting things for this class. The shorter comments are nice for Stories and such- I appreciate how they're a lighter version of the 150+ Project comments and many still manage to offer great recommendations/takeaways from my writing in this class.
2. Feedback out: I feel that my greatest pitfall is a disproportionate amount of compliments to constructive feedbacks- for longer comments I feel that I've been doing well offering insights an the occasional grammatical suggestion to improve flow, but for the shorter comments I can be better about including something to work on in addition to the things I liked.
3. Blog comments: I love reading the Introductions and people's comments on them, even the ones that aren't my own. It warms my heart to see how amiable my online classmates are, and I feel that I'm somewhat getting to know at least a little about them, despite not having met them in person. 
4. Looking forward: I plan on being more constructive with my shorter feedback and sticking to the strategies better for the longer feedback. I also hope to do a better job of following specific blogs and keeping up with the authors of stories I really like. I don't think I'll be making any changes to my Introduction- I like it how it is and it's a good representation of where I was when I wrote it. I've enjoyed reading the comments and seeing what commonalities people identify with as they read through it. 
5. Image:

Image Info: A "What Great Listeners Actually Do" Infographic by Tanmay Vora.
Article: Leadership and the Art of Effective Listening. Link.

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