Sunday, October 7, 2018

Tech Tip: Embedding on SoundCloud

For this Tech Tip, I initially had a tough time figuring out how to incorporate the coding for the SoundCloud link, but a helpful comment cleared up the confusion (Thanks Professor Gibbs!!). For anyone curious, copying and pasting the Embed code needs to be done in HTML mode, which can be activated using the button on the upper left adjacent to the Compose button). The SoundCloud link I chose is a personal favorite: a seventies compilation from the two Guardians of the Galaxy movies.


  1. Hi Brenna, the trick is that code like that has to be pasted into the HTML view, not the usual Compose view. The HTML option is right next to Compose off to the left just above the post editing box. :-)

  2. P.S. I love the countdown widget; I will put that in the announcements this week for sure!
